Threats to the supply chain have been around the natural disasters, accidents, and intentional disruptions, their likelihood and consequences heightened by long, global supply chains, ever-shrinking product lifecycles, and volatile and unpredictable markets. No sure way exists for overcoming all such risks, especially high-impact/low-probability events such as the current outbreak of COVID 2019.
Dealing with the prospect and the manifestation of unquantifiable risk, the supply chain needs to be resilient. So, we asked our Director – Naveen Rawat who has over 20 years of industry experience and have expertise in designing fulfilment solutions for multi-channel retail, “How we can help our customers in building resilience in their supply chain”?
Please read an excerpt of a discussion with him where he shared how Holisol is working closely with customers not only to withstand all manner of disruptions but also to help them in increasing their competitiveness.
First of all Naveen please explain what resilience means in the world of the supply chain?
In the supply chain world, resilience refers to the ability of a company to bounce back from a large disruption including, for instance, the speed with which it returns to normal performance levels (production, services, fill rate, etc.).
Supply chain resilience no longer implies merely the ability to manage risk. It now assumes that the ability to manage risk means being better positioned than competitors to deal with the crisis and even gain an advantage from disruptions.
Now the important question we want to ask “How do you think Holisol can help customers in building resilience in their supply chain”?
Holisol helps our customers in making their supply chain resilient in two ways :
Flexibility: Our network of strategically placed Fulfilment Centres across the length & breadth of India increase supply chain flexibility for our customers ensuring that their supply chains not only can withstand significant disruptions but also better respond to demand fluctuations.
Culture: We have been conditioned, to become innovative and flexible in the face of frequent and continuous “small” operational interruptions in our operations subject to adverse weather, traffic congestion, road closures, and many other problems that we experience on a day to day basis that causes disruptions and test the organization’s recovery process daily. The teams “close to the action” on the ground are empowered to take necessary measures moreover, they can respond quickly, significantly enhancing the chances of containing a disruption early on. Continuous communication among the team keeps everyone including our customers aware of the strategic goals, tactical factors, and day-by-day and even minute-by-minute pulse of the business.
Holisol works closely with our customers to help them not only withstand all manner of disruption but also increase their competitiveness. Unforeseen disruptions can create shortages that are not dissimilar to the demand spikes caused by supply/demand imbalances; resilient enterprises can thus react to changing market demand ahead of their competitors. To achieve this supply chains need to take a holistic approach, building sufficient flexibility to protect against future disruption. Supply chains would also need a responsive and resilient risk management operations capability, technologically led to enable end-to-end transparency across the supply chain.
In this critical crisis, Holisol continues to play a critical role, delivering necessary goods to our and by finding solutions for our customers to continue their operations. The same requires constant, end-to-end assessment, optimisation and monitoring, as well as rapid response and confidence in the ability to execute short-term tactical plans to mitigate risks to human health and to protect the global supply chain functions.